Audio Files Archive is your one-stop-shop for wonderful audio recordings from some of the world’s greatest speakers!
Audio Files Archive is not affiliated with any church group, religious organization, or any other entity but rather a group of audio lovers that want to provide inspiring messages for all to benefit and enjoy!
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HOPCC Audio Files have inspirational preaching! The Bible says in, Rom 10:14,“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” In this passage of scripture, the Bible clearly says how they shall hear without a preacher. Preaching is an essential part of the gospel presentation. People need to listen to the anointed Word of God from an inspired preacher that God has called. That is why on the inspirational preaching page of the Audio Files Archives, you will find links to excellent preaching sermons from some of the most inspired preachers throughout time. Please take time to listen to the HOPCC Audio Files page to download messages from Pastor Arlen Bradeen, Pastor Joshua Heitzman, and other House of Prayer anointed preachers! You will not be disappointed!
HOPCC Arlen Bradeen
Great messages that stir your soul from Pastor Arlen Bradeen
Pastor Heitzman at the Western Wall on a HOPCC missionary trip to Israel
HOPCC Audio Files
Thank you for taking time to view this incredible audio site with dynamic preaching. As you can see these messages, prayers, worship, and exhortation is inspiring and leads you to prayer. There are so many spiritual points, scriptures to draw from, and words to ponder.